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  5. PVC Welding Rod

The home center delivers you the PVC welding rods- a professional PVC carries a broad range of plastic welding rod materials and accessories such as welders, welding tips, and plastic cement. Such welding rods are used for the fabrication of tanks and industrial equipment.
PVC welding rod for use for safety and smooth texture of the flooring. These welding rods are available in a variety of colors to fuse with floor coverings at Home Center. Both sheets and tiles should be welded in hot conditions. So you can use it with 50-meter coils.

A PVC solder rod is a circular or triangle cross section rod that is also known as a thermoplastic soldering rod used to connect two pieces of plastic together. PVC welding rods from the home center are provided in a wide range of colors to match the material’s color.
Hot welding floor cracks will produce a clean impact, waterproof, dirty and anti-microbial resistant. Welding rod will underline the mutual effect according to all kinds of floor content. Each roll is fitted with a plastic roller heart which is convenient to use and protect your flooring.

Features of PVC Welding Rod

  • Easy to install
  • Value for money
  • Smooth and safe for Floorings
  • Perfect cleaning effect
  • Anti-microbial
  • Dirt resistance

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